Looks like #Krogers is going to start using drones in #Ohio to deliver groceries starting this week. What do you think?

with a 5# limit, I doubt anybody will be let go real soon

Until they can create robots with advanced emotional programming, and a billion tailored responses the type of work I do will be safe. I'll probably be long gone by time that happens.
That being said, in a case where automation overtakes human labor, we'll need to reevaluate our economy. Perhaps that will be a time when we need to consider Universal Basic Income, what pursuits are most important for human beings, and how we train and educate our children.

I think any drone would have a hard time delivering groceries for my family of four. This would only be feasible for small orders of emergency items such as late night pregnancy cravings, formula, diapers, or feminine products.


Automation needs to have it limits. It doesn't have to be taken to extremes. If there are people who have some sort of underlying medical condition, that's when it's appropriate. Every other able-bodied person can carry their items on their own.

Someone has to control the drone... Could mean a new position and not out of a job.

R they low flying drones? Don't wana get hit by one

I feel like this God made you now who do you trust man made or Jesus if you Itrust Jesus he will not let you fall I ask to my high power stop living in fear and trust God Amen

This is just another chance at someone or a company like kroger to one up or be ahead in the race for I.T. superiority let it run its course and they will find out like many others it more than likely will not work there are too many obsticles that are realtime and it can really get expensive if the delivery percentage is at only at 75 or 80 percent but king soopers might have groceries scattered from sheridan to golden but could be amusingly funny.Crash course with a hungry eagle or maybe the neighbor kids bb gun lol.
They can't hardly deliver them to the trunk of your car right now. LOL. So, let's just categorize this situation as an Aspirational Goal.