Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome social anxiety when interviewing? I feel it's hindered me from getting hired, I get such bad anxiety I forget how to speak. But once I'm hired and talking to customers and my bosses/team, I'm the most outgoing bubbly, positive person out there...I need help! I wish I could just be honest with them at the start of the interview...."Like I know I look super nervous, and I'm slightly shaking and a bit sweaty...but if you hire me I promise this won't happen when I'm running a team of people" HAHA #hiringevents #socialanxiety #motivation #interviewadvice #jobsearch

@Lauren Muir I have social anxiety. When I go on interviews I give myself a pre-interview pep talk and a post- interview run down. When I am in the interview, I remember that all I have to do is speak from my knowledge and keep answers short. Too much information can make you seem like a "circle talker". If they want more information they will ask for it. Go in knowing your selfworth and if they dont call you, it comes down to- it wasnt meant to be your job. Keep the momentum and interview for the next with confidence of having made it through the last.

I did a pre-interview a few days ago and the interviewer said a follow up-date to do a face2face interview would be sent shortly after the convo ended, because some checks to made between the interviewer and the branch I applied for to schedule a time. Haven’t heard back. Should I reach out to the interviewer or just forget about the job?

Don't hire someone because of knowledge and experience, and not letting them do what you hired them for cause you think you know more

Probably sign up for all the video interviews you can find until you become comfortable doing them.
Also, envision the person interviewing you is sitting there in their underwear.

I hope everyone in this group is having a great Friday and gearing up for a wonderful weekend. I'm an internal recruiter at Jobcase and recently started a new group called "Ask a Recruiter...Anything!" (https://www.jobcase.com/groups/d09480ed-fcfd-42ed-84b1-8e0d6b3556b7) as a place for people to bounce ideas off an objective recruiter...if anyone has something they'd like to discuss or an idea they would like to share please feel free to reach out!

I lost a position that I really loved in May of 2018. Since then I have been trying to find another position in the same field. I currently have a job but it is in retail and I hate it. I have two degrees and I am applying for the positions that I am highly qualified for. I have been on countless interviews and told that I am one of the top candidates, however I'm getting told they went with someone more qualified, or after applying I receive an email or letter stating they went with a more qualified candidate. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Tomorrow I have an interview with a company where majority of the employees are 20 years younger than me. Any advice?

Hi Jobcase Community unfortunately inhave no job since last Friday. And if i do get future interviews what can i say about that one manager treated me unfairly or bullying we know we do not suppose to talk about manager or the previous job how to handle that question if i am asked about it.
Thank You

I'm so excited. I called in to check in with my application and I finally got scheduled for an interview at the place I've been so passionate and determined to work at! A place id be so happy and glad to work at! My interview is this Saturday! I definitely want to do my best at getting into this job! Anyone have any tips? I'm totally going to ask lots of intelligence and good questions and keep eye contact during it! Any other tips?
I'm just so excited! I really hope this goes well if not I can keep trying. I'm not giving up on my passion in this job choice.

You've got an interview and conversation is going well, then person interviewing you goes: "Do you have questions for me?". And you are getting nervous "What to ask? how many questions is too much?" Or even worse, imagine your interview starts with "Before we begin, let me answer your questions." It happened to me many times. There was at least one time when I was completely unprepared. So, for those who wonder what type of questions to ask your interviewer, here is few thoughts I found helpful.
Be prepared. Before going to interview, read about the company. Go on their website. If possible, read about person you interview with. Sometimes you can find it on About us page. This will help you come up with questions.
Insightful questions. Here are some general type questions that may help learn a lot about workplace:
- Tell me what brought you to this company? Why did you choose to work here?
- What would you like to change here?
- How would you describe culture at your company?
- How do you manage priorities?
Don't hesitate to ask something that is very important to you. Think about it as if you interview them as well. For example, if you have another job or responsibility and your schedule is difficult, this is good time to clarify it:
- I don't have a car and need to leave at 6 PM sharp to catch a train. Is it a concern?
Keep it short. Don't ask too many questions. Pick top 2-3 questions important to you.
What types of questions did you find helpful?
Please share. And good luck to everybody interviewing!
There might be many sources that cause the anxiety. The biggest reason might because of uncertainty or unfamiliarity about the company, the interview and the ppl you're meeting with. Try to bring something of your comfort along with you. It could be talking specifically about certain aspects of your expertise, or to raise questions that can help reduce those uncertainty.
Whenever I'm doing anything I'm anxious about, I break them into baby steps and check boxes. So you might feel that things are under control, one step at a time. Build a mini steps list to prepare for each interview. You might have come so far more than what you imagined! You GOT THIS. Good luck!