I wish I could find a job that is not on one of these idiotic freelance work sites. I have never had any luck with them. Yet that seems to be the only places to get jobs I am even qualified for. In my experience lot of the jobs are bids to the bottom. As in lowest bidder gets the job. That means no work for me. As they go to people who live in areas with low cost of living. #Frustrating. #freelance #gigs #art #artist #contentwriting
Anyone else have this issue? I need a car to get work, but I need the job to be able to buy the car I need to get a job.
#car #cars #transportation #employment #catch22 #frustrating #frustrated
So lost a job, luckily got another job a couple months later. Unfortunately that didn't end up in full time hiring so my contract was up and I was let go. Currently looking again and the process is just so demeaning/frustrating. Just need a steady job. I like Jobcasers though.