Car Shipping America has a great work environment & fair pay. #mythoughts

a manager who had to right training to know how to do her job correctly and could train those working under her correctly.

Telling me about a story that they took Orlando

I learned responsibility and how to deep clean cars the inside of cars ect.

When I was able to determine what location the car belonged

Busco trabajo gracias

Looking for sales of any kind #tesla

The beginning was great however, later I had noticed all the no nos that went on. smoking and pot in the shop, coming to work drunk and high ,scamming the customers, showing up late and leaving early and no safety equipment usage. Also allowing anyone in the shop without supervision. I was terminated for questioning these issues.

Today’s prompt word for #Inktober is #expensive. I initially struggled with that word until I had to go to a nearby #gasstation so I could fill my #car up with more #gas. I experienced sticker shock at how expensive gas has gotten per gallon and, in the process, I got my inspiration for how I was going to deal with today’s prompt word. #petrol #drawing #servicestation #Inktober2018

Anyone else have this issue? I need a car to get work, but I need the job to be able to buy the car I need to get a job.
#car #cars #transportation #employment #catch22 #frustrating #frustrated