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Justin Girgis
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Before your interview at #Brand impressions make sure to...

Brand impressions is a wonderful company to work for, the owner/boss is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life and truly a very down to earth and understanding man. Brand impressions LLC is an excellent job to work for if your looking for a second job/part time job because you pretty much make your own schedule and work at the time frames that work best for you personally. The best advice I can give when interviewing with brand impressions LLC is simply be yourself, be honest . The owner loves honesty and he will respect you just as much as you respect him. I couldn’t ask for a better boss honestly.

Montae Tennison
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

What I loved about working for Brand Energy, my first love was working outdoors. Just being outdoors all four seasons was awesome. My second love was my coworkers in the Bay Area. Good people. Working under Jeff Oliver at Shell in Martinez Ca. was Accor me because he ran a tight ship, he’s real and the guy really cares for all of his employees. I can honestly say you don’t get awesome project managers like him. Good dude and he makes it easy to want to be at work on time. #references

Anja Möller
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The verified badge on Instagram is meant to be an indicator of noteworthiness. Under “what is a verified badge,” Instagram explains that it means “Instagram has confirmed that an account is the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity, or global brand it represents.” Most times we apply for verification and get denied over and over again. Less than 1% of accounts on Instagram and Facebook are approved for verification as the requirements are strict and most who apply themselves get denied -hence why even many well-known public figures come to us for assistance. The criteria needed includes having many news articles about you in google - generally at the very least 8 to 10 strong articles in the recent google news tab, articles in English and full featured articles. Being verified already on other social channels like Facebook or Twitter also helps. Having a wikipedia page also helps too. The number of followers an account is a minor part in the criteria and we have verified accounts previously with very low number of followers but a high number of news articles and strong online presence is what matters most.

Message me today for more info. #celebrity #publicfigure #brand #instagram #verified #popular #artist

Ubaid Yousuf Hansia
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The room for constant improvement and the potential of the brand, every day motivated to do better and better, with time we made progress in the right direction working together with the team, innovating and creating, when I started off the brand was far from the vision of the company, during my 9 years at the company we became a force in the fashion industry to be reckoned with creating the brand into an award winning one, now being one of the most recognized menswear brands in Pakistan, for me was the right time to move on to a new challenge. #motivation #brand #inspiration

Luis Carlos Moreno Espinosa
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I REALLY had good TIME working with this company

Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

When I was at work the other day some of my coworkers told me that my friendly and kind personality is my brand. Truth be told, I never thought much about what my brand was before. We notice lots of brands out there in the world, but you never think about applying that concept to yourself.

Your personal brand is the unique combination of YOUR skills and experiences that make you YOU. Your personal branding will allow you to stand out from other professionals in your field and from other job seekers.

Answer these questions to help you start thinking about your brand and what you bring to employers!

1- What are you known for, and fabulous at?

2- What do you offer and do that is significantly different from everyone else?

3- What were you noticed for back when you were a teen and young adult?

4- What skills, talents, and abilities make you stand out?

5- What life experiences have shaped you in special ways?

Check out how to start thinking/creating your personal brand started for free in this [personal branding guide] (https://www.quicksprout.com/the-complete-guide-to-building-your-personal-brand/) I discovered, or get more in depth [here] (https://www.pwc.com/us/en/careers/campus/assets/img/programs/personal-brand-workbook.pdf) with step by step instructions that you complete as you go until you get your results. It will help you think about your strengths in a whole new way.

What would you say YOUR personal brand is?

Penny Jackson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Trying to separate myself from the pool of applicants but not sure where to focus my attention to show good fit for company culture.

Ralph Turk
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I want to set up a web page and build a brand to promote my skills and experience to employers. How can I do this on jobcase?
