The location was close to him in walking distance even. I also started there part time at a further location ended up a part sales manager at a closer location an the hour fit into the daycare schedule that I had so it worked out also lived in the area so was good to meet more people.

Worked at AutoZone 5 years swapped out a starter was accused of stealing worse place to work ever

I had a really nice and understanding boss. He went above and beyond to accommodate myself and family.

My co-workers were friendly and helpful. At autozone they're all about being a team and being supportive of each other. The environment is welcoming and the pay is nice.

I liked the people I worked with. I enjoy helping people.

I plan too land a great gig/job until can obtain my official career... #positivity #signholder #foodservices #janitorial #temporary #security #Porter #education #nationwideusa #autozone #sales

I ran store 4242 in San Antonio Texas, For 8 months. Only reason im not still with autozone is cause they would never make me a store manager. Even after the store manager just walked out on them. I had 8 differant store managers asking when i was going to get the store. But because of the district manager not liking me i was passed over for the job. So i went to oreilleys. I will never understand the way a company as big as Autozone can just treat employees as numbers. And have the upper management team, just set good employees up for failure. So the one thing i would like to have at autozone is for the upper management to not pass good employees up for a job cause of one person in power. As far as i know there is no I in TEAM!!!!!!!