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Rochelly Fajardo
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

I have been working for almost 20 years, and the one thing that has been a constant from that first job as a Cashier at Bruegger’s Bagels to now, is the request for job references. In my experience, 9/10 if an application asks for a reference or two, and you are one of the top candidates for the job that potential employer will make the calls. This is why I have always made it a case to do my job well, but also build good rapport with team members and supervisors. These are some of the best people that can help vouch for you, which is why having references is so important.

Wanna know how to identify and ask people to be your references?

Check out this article @Michael Frash posted on Five ways to ask for a job reference #reference #jobreference #askforreference #jobsearch #jobapplication
