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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
4 months ago

Master this model and the beginning of leadership has no end.

I Believe You Can...!


Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

A really bright young man named Theo Epstein helped the Red Sox break an 80 year curse and got us our first World Series in almost a century. Then he went to Chicago and kinda did it again. Did I mention he was the youngest MLB manager in history?
So when I saw him offer career advice in this article I wonder what you think of it.
The article is below and here’s the outtake from Theo: “Whoever your boss is, or your bosses are, they have 20 percent of their job that they just don’t like. So if you can ask them or figure out what that 20 percent is, and figure out a way to do it for them, you’ll make them really happy, improve their quality of life and their work experience. If you do a good job with it, they’ll start to give you more and more responsibility.”

#career #gettingAhead #ambition #20%


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Darla Carter
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Since I've started looking for work, it hasn't been easy. I didn't expect it to be. I've been working housekeeping jobs so far. One was a little nursing home and the other was as a temp through an agency. They had me at a 5 star hotel.. I worked my tail off cause getting hired permanently was important. But, my qualities (caring too much, pride in going slow to ensure quality, asking too many questions, speaking English) are only hurting me! Shouldn't I care if I'm doing the job okay? Shouldn't I be paying attention and asking questions?! Maybe I try paying attention to too much detail? I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong but, once I'm hired, I don't seem to last very long. I need advice please..

Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

How should people turn jobs into careers? If you are currently employed, what are you doing to make sure that you have a 'bigger job' next year (either more money, more responsibility, different responsibility or whatever else your goals are).
In general, I am really interested in what other Jobcasers have to say about this - so I don't want to bias with my thoughts up front. But I will say that the first step is identifying what it is you want. If you don't articulate the goal to yourself then how will you get it?? This is a time in labor markets where you need to be your own Agent and take charge of your own career. Don't wait for someone in a corner office to chart your career path for you - you need to do it yourself.
That said - what do you think? How do you think about getting ahead - and what does that even mean for you anyways? #promotion #achievement #raise #ambition #success

Linda Hughes
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Just a quick note..over my years one thing I learned about ppl is body language..one thing in particular,watch how a person WALKS,if they walk fast a sign of a good worker (ambitious)slow walker,maybe not so ambitious. Think about it.Apply it to various ppl you know and what type of worker they are.JUST AN OBSERVATION, TRY IT.

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