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Jermaine Nicholson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The feeling to know that no matter what I'm going through being able to work brought peace to my heart

Victor Conde
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I want positive vibes and i want to give it back to the community I wish you all a blessed year with a lot of wealth stay strong if you feel lost find different options act quick wether you like it or not Competition is out there so if you have work experience use all your knowledge in an interview wish you all best of luck #2018

1 Comment
Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

When the federal minimum wage first became law in 1938, it was only 25 cents. Can you imagine?! Now as we have entered 2018 wages are going up for 18 states and about 20 cities and counties, according to the National Employment Law Project.

Come check out where there will be a pay rise in the new year, and how much you can expect to make [here] (http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/29/news/economy/2018-minimum-wage-increases/index.html).


Maddie A
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

#newyear #advice #reflection #change #2018 #welcomenewmembers #welcometoJobcase #newmember

We’re hoping 2018 will bring new opportunities and wonderful new members to our community!

We’d like to open up a space for reflection and discussion and give you all the chance to help recently-joined members find their footing and learn how to get the most out of Jobcase. YOU are the experts, after all!

We would love to hear about: -Writing your first post -Tips or tricks to using Jobcase -How you made a friend on Jobcase -How you found a job, and how Jobcase helped -A piece of advice -An interaction you had on Jobcase that stuck with you

...or anything else you’d like to share that comes to mind! This is YOUR open book, so...ramble on!

We can’t wait to read your words of wisdom.

Happy New Year!

1 Comment
Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

As the new year approaches saying, “I am getting a job this year,” is a GREAT way to get yourself in the zone, but it's important to make sure to follow through and create a plan! Ask yourself, how will I get there? Check out these 3 tips to help you succeed!

1- Set very specific goals in order to give yourself the chance to achieve them Remember there is nothing wrong with dreaming big, but be realistic! For example, set a number of jobs you want to apply to each day and then reach that goal.

2- Stay organized Applying to multiple positions at multiple companies? It’s easy to get mixed up and lose track of when and where you even applied to! To avoid this from happening, keep yourself organized with an Excel spreadsheet. Be sure to add the company name, the date you applied, and any other critical information such as contact info. This will make [following up] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/3a2695c7-ced7-5bea-af4e-8789f758e97b) a breeze!

3- Remember to reward yourself Looking for a job is hard work, that’s why it’s important to give yourself a little reward every now and again. This can help you maintain your focus and also boost your motivation. Even as something as simple as saying, “I will apply to 10 jobs this morning and then allow myself to watch an episode of my favorite show" could be great. Find what works well for you!

Wishing you the best on your job search this 2018, it's almost here! Need some help? Ask a question or feel free to comment with your own tips that have worked great for you! Let's make this new year the best one yet.

Xavier DeLaCruz Jr.
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm in the online industry, I own a franchise. I'm looking to partner with people to help expand my business. I'm willing to teach everything I know FREE of charge. Positioning yourself to know how to acquire customers makes you very valuable. I can only work with SERIOUS people. #2018
