What is the definition, any more, of a "secretary",in this day and age of text- to -voice and A.I. or artificial intelligence? And..is there any difference between a " secretary" and an. " Administrative Assistant "? #unions #dictaphone, #shorthand, #transcriber #advice #robots #officelife #officewife #callcenter

Learn to type.

There is other names office clerk, office Manager. Receptionist,

You can take a computer class that has typing,plus you also learn other skills

To me administrative assistant is a professional word for Secretary

Learn excel, take typing tests (don’t use the peck method to type, learn the proper hand/finger placement for the keyboard).

Perfect typing skills and administrative skills as well, always keep a smile on your face and stay professional at all times, no matter what

I have no clue. I have not been a secretary since 1987.

I'm beginning to think this jobcase is just a conversation piece. They keep sending me jobs for a Registered Nurse. I'm a Business Data Analylt

Hi Valerie. You can do what I did. I'm guessing you have typing and computer skills? (i.e., MS Word, Excel, etc) - if you don't have those skills, you must GET THOSE SKILLS first. If you already have the skills but they're not good, practice and brush up on your skills. Once you have your skills in tact, start registering with temp agencies. They will send you on temp assignments. You can tell them you're trying to get experience (they'll find out anywayz) - and try working with temp agencies as a "temp" for a few months or a year to get EXPERIENCE. Then start applying for secretary permanent jobs. You should do fine. Good luck!
Learn to not fall asleep behind a desk and be cordial with people on the phone even though you are sure they are all morons.