What strategies do you suggest to overcome age-discrimination in the workplace?
We know how toxic and prevalent ageism is in the workplace. This study outlines some recent findings in this regard. But it's no news to anyone that discrimination happens, or that life can be unfair. And it's no pre-ordained outcome that when you run into age discrimination that it has to define your future success - just as knowing life isn't "fair" doesn't stop you from living an amazing, rewarding, happy meaningful life. Sure ageism can be a tough obstacle to overcome -but overcoming obstacles is something that everyone does as they navigate life and, in fact, overcoming unfair challenges can actually be quite rewarding.
So, whadaythink Jobcasers? If someone gets prematurely turned out, or denied a real look at a new opportunity - what strategies should they take to overcome that particular unfair obstacle??
#ageism #discrimination #careerstrategy #success #advice #whadayathink

I been down for a year I need help finding the right job

I need for job I'm job less I'm from Pakista. Psalm cht 1:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

The company I’ve worked for over ten years called a company meeting for a change in our insurance provider and change in benefits. The insurance representative stated ”The change and increase in out of pocket deductible is do to a mostly mature work force within the company” In one week my company announced a mass restructuring of employees to different positions. All employees moved around within the company are employees with either family members or themselves with health issues needed (medications, routine doctor appointments etc,etc.) All of the employees were moved into entry level positions. Often forced to train the employee that had the entry level position originally. These employee’s are then scruntinized about their job performance in the new positions. Often confronted with do to trivial issues or whatsoever reasons, they are told the company can only offer them part time employment starting in 90 days. More or less being forced to find another job. This company has now cycled through the needed healthcare for families/employees. The company is now working on long time older employees (50 plus years old) I am in that age range. I fortunately have no health issues or regular medications needed. I do have a back issue which makes it that, I cannot left over 50 lbs. repetitively which the company knew about when they hired me over 10 years ago. I was forced to train someone else to do my normal job an forced to take a entry level position. I was the go to every time there was a lot of repetition lifting needed. When I spoke up about my condition I was taken off of that particular job that day. The next day. I was called into the dreaded room. There I was informed that I cannot perform the job duties the company needs. And the company cannot make anymore accommodations for me. Therefore I will be moved into a part time bases position starting in 90 days. If this doesn’t work for me they recommend I search for another job. This is a small company with under 70 employees. Many of the long time employees that have left or leaving have worked there 10 plus years. When I hired on there was only 20 regular employees. If this isn’t ageism or health discrimination someone please describe to me what else it could be?

Good luck trying to prove age discrimination.
BTW, not adding a photo because people are suffering enough.

Sad but true. I pieced together a "living" by renting out rooms, taking temporary jobs, and teaching part time. It's not an easy road, and we downsized our house twice.

Amen, thanks for sharing this⚘

Yes, forced retirement has become a trend in our country, however, everything that appears to be is really only your own individual perception. Life with the power of the universe has its own way of forcing us to explore other avenues in our lives when we have already fulfilled and reached maximum capacity with one endeavor.
Your journey has just begun!
Put all the great talents you have acquired in your lifetime to better use, and go after everything and anything your heart desires, and keep your Faith that it is coming and that same Faith will guarantee its arrival.

I would think your state unemployment office would like to know about your situation, and continue to think success and not failure age is just a number.

Stay strong and positive America need hard worker. You might don't find wat you want but you will find wat you need.
I live in San Bernardino, California. Thanks for sending this over. Lisa Marie Castro