You landed the interview you really wanted, congratulations! Now it’s time to get dressed, and you’re faced with the question of.. “What am I supposed to wear?”. It doesn’t have to be an expense causing you to spend a ton money, there are resources (see below) out there to help. I think the best way to think about it is, wear what you would wear to church especially on a holiday. I took a look at a few articles, and these common themes around dressing for an interview:
- Make sure your interview clothes are clean, ironed and free of spots or stains, rips, loose hems, and holes.
- Button down shirts ,both long and short sleeved, can be worn alone, under a sweater, or under a jacket/blazer. Some say light colored shirts are more appropriate, others say you can be a bit bold. I would tend to say go more towards light colored, without distracting prints.
- Navy blue, grey and black are all the most appropriate colors for suits or blazers. These colors are also great options when just wearing dress pants, and khakis work well too.
- Patterned ties are great to add a little bit of personality to your interview outfit. I once had a candidate interview on St. Patrick’s Day who wore a tie with shamrocks, and let’s just say the detail did not go unnoticed. But if you’re more of a striped or solids kind of guy, that’s more than perfect too! Just don’t go TOO crazy!
- Be careful with being casual, it can often lead to being too casual. Even in the summer, when companies tend to be slightly more lax about the dress code, you want to make sure you have dress pants or khakis on with a polo or a short sleeved button down.
- And lastly, make sure your hair is cut, you stay away from heavy colognes or aftershaves, and always check your teeth before going in to make sure there aren’t any poppy seeds from your morning bagel!
Don’t forget that the candidates that come into an interview dressed for success tend to stand out from the rest. This could be the difference in whether or not you get the job! Good Luck!
http://www.careergear.org/ http://readyforsuccessmn.org/
#interview #recruitersadvice #trendingtopics #dresscode #dressforthejobyouwant
This is really helpful, thanks!