If you have a few hours to spare, try searching the internet for “robots and employment.” You’ll be inundated by a plethora of articles and conflicting opinions on whether robotic automation spells certain doom or a great opportunity for American workers. Taking Chicken Little’s view that “the sky is falling,” here’s an article posted back in 2017 CNN headline: “Millions of workers around the world are at risk of losing their jobs to robots — but Americans should be particularly worried.” Not to be outdone, Read more...

Hope everyone is enjoying a much deserved day off w your loved ones.

I would love some advice on how to write the perfect resume. I found this helpful article online: https://www.topresume.com/career-advice/11-tips-to-writing-perfect-resume. Does anyone else have any handy articles they would want to share with me and the rest of the Jobcase Community? Please share!

An article I read not too long ago read something along the lines of "There are too many hard working people that are only one paycheck away from losing everything." This is a hard reality that we as the newly unemployed are dealing with everyday. It's hard to cope with it. Especially when when have not planned and put off making due for security should something happen to your income and not being granted unemployment. What do you do? Apply for a job below your wage range? Yes of course because we are providers for our children by any means.... Alas we are denied... Because we are over qualified and doors are closed, cars repossessed, houses foreclosed.

Be careful what you do once you start a new job. Worth the read. Some different scenarios that caused new employees to be fired.

Confession: I have an embarrassing sign on my desk that says "remember to try not to say bad words!!!!". It was written by my daughter. Ugh. Not the vision of her Daddy that I would like her to have! I know better than to let curse words slip into my normal discourse, but despite that knowledge it happens way too frequently.
The fact my Dad went through Marine Boot camp and came out cursing and never stopped, or that I worked on a trading desk that started the day cursing and never stopped, or that I have people in my board room that regularly curse - is hardly an explanation - let alone an excuse. I know better.
Now I see this little article in the NYPost that I am not alone in this bad habit. You too? Any suggestions for how I can do better to eliminate these colorful little tics from my discourse?
Figure diagnosis (and confession) is 90% of the cure, so maybe admitting it and reading about it will lead to success in eliminating it...
But I welcome thoughts on how to be better at achieving this goal...