Hi Jobcasers ~ I found an article you might like about "how to calm interview anxiety". **[Click here] (http://www.vocationvillage.com/how-to-calm-your-job-interview-anxiety/) ** It includes tips like: "get a good night's sleep TWO nights before your interview," "avoid people in your life who are habitually negative," and "eat protein an hour before your interview (to stay full)" in addition to the advice you've regularly heard like "research the company" and "plan your route ahead of time." There are also tips on how to **manage the physical symptoms of anxiety.
Let us know if you have any others you think work well, ok? Thanks! Go, Jobcasers, Go!! #interview #tips #recruitersadvice

Thank you!

These are excellent tips. Thank you for sharing with the community, Marijoy!
I just drink a lot of liquor right before the interview.
I AM KIDDING! That is a horrible idea. Seriously, don't ever do that.