Resolved the issue by sitting down and talk about it. Involved all concerned parties.

Problems are resolved amicably, you taught and are obliged to do all mandatory courses that helps staff to know what is good and bad for staff and organization including Sexual Gender Based Violence - SGBV.

Working together, share ideas on various trainings - mandatory and other as well as day to day systems and learn to work effectively in a multicultural environment.

My advice to people interested in working at #UNITEDNATIONSHIGHCOMMISSIONERFORREFUGEES-UNHCR as a #Admin/FinanceAssociate ...
The person should be hardworking, willing to learn new skills and work with Refugees directly and in directly.

The biggest mistake I made as a #Admin/FinanceAssociate at #UNITEDNATIONSHIGHCOMMISSIONERFORREFUGEES-UNHCR ...
Ordered stationery which had stocks depleted witout approval from my Supervisor, I had to explain why and the need for urgency.

Drafting and finalizing termination letters for staff member with post which were being abolished

We sat down and discussed the issues which made him angry and come to conclusion without difficulty.