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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Situation #101A. Husband is not working. (Understanding) [IBYC] Wives how can you respond?

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

Folks, under times of uncertainty anything is bound to happen. Like the unexpected act when a husband is no longer working. Perhaps, a husband composure can make a shift.

Wives how can you respond?

Jerome, I know you lost your job (at no fault of your own), however, please keep these factors in mind that:

  1. We are in this together and I'm working for us.
  2. I'm more than your wife, I'm your partner for life.
  3. I'm on your side and I need your support as a husband.
  4. Everything is going to be alright, this too shall pass.

Wives are the strongest asset in the nucleus family and they grow stronger each day.

I Believe You Can...!

#PersonalDevelopment #WifeHusbandTeam #WeCanMakeIt #ThisShallPass #MotivatedYes

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Heath Alva
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist

@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve a strong life partner is always key to happiness and success. How would you ask for a husband to respond to a wife who has lost a job at no fault of her own like the situation above?

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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Situation #101A. Husband is not working. (Understanding) [IBYC] Wives how can you respond? Wives how can you respond

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

Folks, under times of uncertainty anything is bound to happen. Like the unexpected act when a husband is no longer working. Perhaps, a husband composure can make a shift.

Wives how can you respond?

Jerome, I know you lost your job (at no fault of your own), however, please keep these factors in mind that:

  1. We are in this together and I'm working for us.
  2. I'm more than your wife, I'm your partner for life.
  3. I'm on your side and I need your support as a husband.
  4. Everything is going to be alright, this too shall pass.

Wives are the strongest asset in the nucleus family and they grow stronger each day.

I Believe You Can...!

#PersonalDevelopment #WifeHusbandTeam #WeCanMakeIt #ThisShallPass #MotivatedYes

1 Answer
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Heath Alva
Community SpecialistBullet point
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Community Specialist

@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve the key to success is open and honest communication, shared goals and trust. And the one thing that can get in the way of these is Pride which I think you covered above is the one emotion you can't let get in the way of moving forward during a difficult time.

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