I would tell them that it’s a great place to work, you don’t only work but also have fun. And it also help you to get in shape. And a part time job.

I can’t possibly think of any mistakes I made but I think I must have done something. All I remember is having good times working there with friends I knew in school that should be all.

The most stressful days were the heat, it was mostly always really hot, playing in the sun but even though it was that stressful we still had fun.

Well’ I accidentally stepped on my friend’s foot by accident while playing soccer . And he was in pain. He was a little mad at me. But I was like, i’m So sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. Thank god he understood that mistakes happens, and he said it’s ok, he told me to be carefully next time. That was all. And we were friend.

I liked working with the kids, we had lots of fun playing soccer. Everyone knew each other and was kind to each other, helping each other to improve if they make a certain mistake. I had the opportunity to work and have fun, and got to meet new people. It was a great summer.