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Masters Degree in History in 2020. Museum Studies Certificate. Educated in museum strategic plans, grant writing, marketing plans, and collections management. Skilled in archival arrangement, description, processing, rehousing, and disposition. Experienced in administration, bookkeeping, and payroll. Looking for a position in a museum, archives, or administration in WA or OR. #readytowork #seattle #tacoma #olympia #portland #archives #museumeducator #museumcurator #collections #registrar #archivaltech #administration

Letting the new principal that none of faculty could get alone with get on my nerves so bad

Leaving the job.. I really loved it there... I was going through a rough time then my husband just passed n I didn't take more time then needed to grief... that is why I left.

Watch what u say or do because if they think u have an opinion and gonna speak out they fire u and don't give u unemployment. I knew a worker who gave her 2 weeks notjce they called her in the same day & fired her. That's penn state health