When no one came in to shop or even look for two days straight!

The drama was put to rest, because the employee had A.D.H.D. and was transferred to another store.

The product lines were great.

I learned so much about cell phones and technology great people came in and it helped me be more

my most stressful day at Radio Shack was when my shop was robbed and I was working alone The stressful part was not having a gun pointed at me, but when he had me lay on the ground with my back exposed, I did not know if he had a knife or not. Any other day before and after that was a walk in the park.

meeting and helping different people

I had female customers come into the store, they were wanting to add additional phone lines into their homes. They called the phone companies who were gonna charge them to do the lines. I showed them the parts they would need to do it them selves. Not only did I show them the parts I also showed them how to install the components and wiring which saved them 100's of dollars that the phone company would have charged them. I also had customers come in looking for certain items and we not have them, I would suggest different places and if I knew that item was on sale somewhere I would let the customer know, and they always came back to me for other things.

The best thing we had there was our customers, the fact that they arent to same customers, learning how to interact with all types of customers angry, happy, emotional. That was the best of working with Radioshack the face to face interaction with customwrs, had worked before in customer service but by phone, but face to Face was another Story, thanks God i was well trained, and im always Happy and that worked for me daily..