This is a great company and if you want to succeed take your time, ask questions, be very attentive no matter where you go within the facility. The biggest thing is never give up on yourself some people see that and don't care to encourage an or motivate you for success!

Asking upper management questions that they were not prepared to answer!

I had a fractured ankle (not an on the job injury) and had been completing warehouse jobs with 4 temps and one production team of 4 that didn't have much experience. 3hrs into the shift my boss chooses to not come out and train the temp which lead to me hobbling around trying to make sure everyone did their job.

Wow, the last time that happened I pulled them aside from the rest of the team and politely told them the difference between there position and mine! Then asked if there was something I myself can change or go about in a different manor. Trust not all situations go as smoothly sometimes its more than one can handle so a mediator is needed.

I loved the teams the most. Most production and manufacturing plants there's always high turnover rates, within this company people came together as one in order to keep things afloat while management mostly did what not to do next, lol.