DFSI is hiring temporary Medical Assistants to perform COVID Testing in the following communities of Los Angeles, CA:
West Valley: filled! no more openings
Pacoima : up to 4 openings. Apply at https://relode.co/1CKXAYE
Romer: up to 4 openings. Apply at https://relode.co/4WX9AYE
Northridge: up to 4 openings Apply at https://relode.co/5EG9AYE
These are temporary jobs.
Don't delay getting your application in. These jobs will fill quickly!
Start / End dates: 9/13/2021 - 11/12/2021 Salary: DOE/Market rates
Required skills and experience:
Need to be local to the area - within driving distance.
Must have Medical Assistant Certification in state of CA
Must be FULLY vaccinated
#healthcarejobs #jobseekers #covidtesters #medicalassistants #losangles #hiringnow #healthcare #jobearch