This is what you get when you add the #LindsayLohan movie #MeanGirls + #BabyYoda + #Gizmo + #Stitch + the #alien from the #ToyStory movies: Mean Cuties. #drawing #ink #StarWars #Mandalorian #TheMandalorian #Yoda #Gremlins #LiloAndStitch #Disney #Pixar #12DrawingsOfChristmas #TwelveDrawingsOfChristmas #sbpprocess #fanart

For today’s Inktober drawing I decided to use today’s prompt word that’s on the Bad Ass Disney Society prompt list that was put online by the Instagram user hanhungsiew. Today’s prompt is Lilo (as in the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch) so I drew Lilo using a drawing tutorial I found at the Easy Drawing Tutorials site. #Inktober #Inktober2019 #ink #drawing #badassdisneysociety #Disney #Lilo #LiloAndStitch

For today’s Inktober drawing I decided to use today’s prompt word that’s on the Splatoween 2019 Drawing Challenge Prompt list that was created and posted by the Instagram accounts gummistarbaby and splatdatink. I’ve always been a fan of the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch so I jumped at the chance to try drawing Stitch. (I used the free tutorial that’s posted on the Easy Drawing Tutorials website to draw Stitch.) #Inktober #Inktober2019 #ink #drawing #Disney #LiloandStitch #Stitch #splatdatspookyink #splatdatspookyink2019