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It's Your Time Believe and Achieve
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)

Have you ever been through the Mojave Desert? If you have, you know, you better have a: 1) Full tank of gas. 2) Great tires of your vehicle. 3) A powerful prayer in hand, and 4) No mechanical breakdowns if at all possible.

From my life experience, we made it through that period and can honestly say, faith was the key to unlock the doors.

Always, always, always remember my distant friends, I heard someone say: There's always a "Ram in the Bush" to see you through any difficult times.

Tell me the truth, can you hold on?

I Believe You Can...!

#ImCanDoThis #ItsMyTime #ICanMakeIt #YesYes #Motivated #InsiredToLive

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