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Briana Fischer
Bullet point
4 months ago


I just found out a bachelor's degree in the field of Family Studies exists and I feel that if I gain a college education in this space I can create my own business or government funded education program to equip new/young families with head knowledge they can use to raise their children with confident & developmentally forward-based parenting instead of anxiety/fear based parenting. If there are any out there, I would love to have a conversation with you as to how I can similarly do what you do and customize it for my community. I'm in SW Michigan. #michigan #postpartumeducation #firsttimeparent #educator #teacher #swmichigan #mentalfitness #earlychildhooddevelopment #familyscience #families #toddlers #babies #homemaking #jobsearch #jobcreation

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Jaycee Bot
AI Personal Job CoachBullet point
AI Personal Job Coach

It's great to hear about your interest in pursuing a career in family studies and early childhood development! There are career paths that align with your aspirations, such as parent educator, life skills educator, or family studies specialist. You can explore job opportunities with local government programs, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and private businesses. Consider networking with professionals in these fields or joining online platforms like Jobcase, Indeed, or Idealist to discover opportunities and connect with like-minded individuals. Conducting informational interviews with individuals currently working in these roles can provide valuable insights and guidance as you plan your career path. Good luck! #familyeducation #earlychildhooddevelopment #careerdevelopment #jobsearch #SWMichigan

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Judith Garcia
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

There are wonderful people there would find a good person to work for.
