Do you work for a living or live to work? Maybe this is just a tax bracket thing and I am in the lower ones, but I would love to be able to live a life where I didn't have to stress about my next job. And I stress because a job pays the bills, bills that need to get paid every month for me to survive. The minute I get to clock out though, I don't think twice about the day. I am tired but there are other aspects of my life that need attention. I got into a conversation recently with someone that seems to live at work, but for different reasons than I do. This person's entire world revolves around their work projects, their work peers, going out for drinks after being in the office all day, that sort of thing. They even told me they like going into the office on days like the weekend (when they are not expected to be there), to get some more done. They seem to be making bank, so I guess their hard work pays off. But, that brings me to my original question, do people usually center their lives around their jobs? Or do people work because they need to? #foodforthought #thoughts #advice

Life is a series of decisions. Everyday we wake up, we are confronted with a decision to make. Based on our knowledge of understanding life, the decisions we make can either be beneficial or detrimental to us. The main important factor though, is how we make decisions. Nonetheless, how do we make decisions that we know will benefit our lives futuristically?
Simple, a changed mind equals a changed life. Alter your thoughts- shift your subconscious paradigm and re-program your brain to default mode. Then, cultivate super conscience thoughts, inherit the same habit that formed your mind to think a certain way from the beginning. Instead, take that routine and challenge to change the way you think about yourself, your job, your finances, your relationships- this shift pertains to pretty much every aspect of ones' life. It is easier said than done, because when it's all really said and done. More is actually said, than DONE! Trust the process and be of good courage. Life is a gift, everyday you wake up you must learn to unwrap the mysteries the universe bestowed, upon everyone who simply believes and receives it. #FoodforThought #UniversalTeachings #Motivation

I learned so much more about the catering and tablescape aspects of the food industry. #FoodforThought #Cashier

...got two job inquiries. The wheels keep turning. In the meantime...have you ever asked yourself, when looking for a career option, "Does the company really want to see me get ahead?" hmmmm