Be the next to follow.

My trainer and I were set to the dessert station during a big event on my first day and toward the end, this cute little boy comes up to the dessert table. Since he's a little smaller than the table my trainer asks if he needs help getting something and he starts talking about how he'd get a sugar crash. Behind the little boy was an older gentleman who chimed in with "You know how to not get a sugar crash?" curious, of course, the boy turned to him and asked, "No, What?" The gentleman leaned in slightly and said with a big grin "Just don't stop. Keep eating!" The boy smiled with one of those 'why didn't I think of that?' looks and ran back to his table with his parents while the man turned to us and said "I think that'll end well." before heading back to his own table as well. #Happiness #Cute #SkamaniaLodge #Lovedit

I was inspired to draw #Bruni from #Frozen2 after I saw huge lines forming at the local AMC Theater to see that movie and I saw pictures of the #cute #salamander that were posted online. I couldn’t resist drawing him. I ended up seeing the movie myself on the morning of Thanksgiving Day. #ink #drawing #Disney #FrozenII #12DrawingsOfChristmas #TwelveDrawingsOfChristmas #sbpprocess

For today’s Inktober drawing I decided to use today’s prompt word that’s on the Strawberrytober Cute Kawaii Prompt List that was created by Instagram user strawberrystyl. Today’s prompt is “cute bat” so I drew this cute bat using a free tutorial that’s posted on the Hello Kids website. #Inktober #Inktober2019 #strawberrytober #cute #bat #kawaii #ink #drawing