my co workers not the management the workers who actually worked to try to make the place a better place to work.

Meeting different people and learning their reason for donating!

Go to work just to work. There are no friends in there. Everybody is looking for a way to get brownie points at your expense with management.

Believing that management cared about me as an employee when in reality all they cared about is if you came to do the job you’re hired to do.

Not having enough staff and management sending workers home due to HPI

I love working at Csll Plasma. It’s heart warming to know that I am making a difference in someone’s life. All the medications that come from your Plasma is overwhelming. I will miss working there when I move.

I was a donor there and loved the staff. Got approached by the Group Leader of Reception and she said i should apply and that id be a perfect fit. I got hired and worked there for 5 years