5 - SECRETS ABOUT SUCCESS! #2. Visualization. [IBYC] Are you living to maximize your potential? Or have you taken a back seat in life because you just don't understand?
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
Are you living to maximize your potential? Or have you taken a back seat in life because you just don't understand?
Actors, Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, Musicians and all highly paid professionals know: They are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things because they followed their dreams.
5 - Things They Know: 1) They wanted more from life. 2) They believed it was possible. 3) They felt, why not me. 4) They knew quitting was not an option. 5) They knew 1% right, could conquer 999% of wrongs.
Troyal G. Brooks had that spirit of VISUALIZATION when he started his professional music career. He played and sang in Oklahoma clubs and bars, most notably Wild Willie's Saloon in Stillwater. Though introduced to rock music, he visualized himself in places and on stages beyond the norm.
Today, he is a Legendary Country Western Icon known to the world as GARTH BROOKS.
Folks, you have to visualize and see yourself there before you even arrive. Then, everything else will fall-in-place.
I Believe You Can...!
#BePositive #BeInspired #BeTheBest #BeYou #GreatnessInsideYou
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
Are you living to your maximum potential? Or have you taken a back seat on life because you just don't know?
Actors, Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, Musicians and all highly paid professionals know: They are simple ordinary people, doing extraordinary things they like to create a marvelous lifestyle.
5 - Things They Know: 1) They wanted more from life. 2) They believed something would fall from the sky. 3) They felt why not me, I believe. 4) They knew nothing beats a try, not even a fail. 5) They lifted their arms in privacy to seek undisclosed help.
Success comes to those who can simply define it, before they find it. Then, they take steps in mining it like gold
When SUCCESS sees that you are trying, it will come to you in small increments, then, everything else will fall-in-place.
Whatever you do in 2021, you must try.
I Believe You Can...!
#BeInspired #BeMotivated #BeDiligent #BeActive #BeAlert #BePositive #BeYes
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
FROM THE DESK OF: Edward Alexander
Many people will fall-short in 2021, and that's a simple mathematical Statistics #101 breakdown and fact. DON'T let this be YOU!
Newton's Laws of Motion says: "An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion."
Best advice ever: DON'T stay at rest because you'll miss the rest in 2021. Take action and setup your basic ACTION PLAN that drives you forward towards achieving short-term goals.
If you do this, your 2021 will never be the same. Are you ready to act?
I Believe You Can...!
#BePositive #BeDiligent #BeAssertive #BeActionMinded #BeAttentive #BeDetemined #BeSuccessful #BeMotivated #BeInspired #BeCommitted #BeVicotrious #BeValiant #BeValuable
I don't get why some people say it is "cut throat" at Amazon. I guess if you act like a complete ass maybe, but if you're kind to others and do your job you should be fine. A few of the guys and I go out each Friday after work to grab a few beers. They are some of the nicest people I have known. You make your job what it is, remember that. If you want it to be miserable then that's just what it will be.
I had two great interviews this week. One with Lucky Vitamin to work in their call center (which I got offered), and another with TransUnion. They showed me around and everything. So both promising! #Excited
Thanks for job search Mariah Bliss.
P.S You are amazing job researcher.
@It's Your Time Believe and Achieve knowing where you want to go in life is key to help us focus on what will make us successful. What do you do to help you know yourself so well that you can stay focused to achieve your goals?