I'm telling you the truth...(MUST READ w/o FAIL)
Watch the 2021 Grammys or any other awards program on TV and you'll find one common thread that breeds success by Actors, Artists, Athletes, Entertainers and others alike: It is COMMITMENT.
They all struggled through the dungeons of life and yet, they demonstrated commitment to achieve their goals.
Lessons Learned: Whatever you want to achieve in life, if you demonstrate a measure of Commitment, your whole life can turn upside down.
Learn this Master Key: COMMITMENT on ZOOM with me, then everything else will fall-in-place.
Setup YOUR Agenda Now.
I Believe You Can...!
I'm telling you the truth... (MUST READ)
FROM THE DESK OF: Edward Alexander
Many people will fall-short in 2021, and that's a simple mathematical Statistics #101 breakdown and fact. DON'T let this be YOU!
Newton's Laws of Motion says: "An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion."
Best advice ever: DON'T stay at rest because you'll miss the rest in 2021. Take action and setup your basic ACTION PLAN that drives you forward towards achieving short-term goals.
If you do this, your 2021 will never be the same. Are you ready to act?
I Believe You Can...!
#BePositive #BeDiligent #BeAssertive #BeActionMinded #BeAttentive #BeDetemined #BeSuccessful #BeMotivated #BeInspired #BeCommitted #BeVicotrious #BeValiant #BeValuable
I'm telling you the truth...(MUST READ)
THOUGHT: Some people will be left alone, abandoned, disserted, forsaken and overshadowed by series of events, situations, circumstances and crisis. As a result, (as illustrated below) they will travel in the wrong direction in life and hopelessly ever reaching their goals. Don't allow this to be YOU! (Basic Statistics Class #101)
No. #1. Get a good or general idea of what you want to do in life. No. #2. Are you qualified, or do you need specialized training?. No. #3. Connect yourself to a close-knitted network of positive people. No. #4. Start rowing yourself in the opposite direction towards your goals. No. #5. Realize that, you are NOT abandoned, someone is waiting to help you.
Don't ever forget this. You can make it, if you try!
I Believe You Can...!
Here's the truth...
Some of the most notorious attacks and mistreatment of people can occur on the job. Not to mentioned, how often it can go unnoticed by others, or simply ignored and swept underneath the rug.
Principle #101. "You don't have to compromise yourself, to be recognize by someone else, so they can see the value of who you are" ~ Edward Alexander
Stay true to yourself and be the best YOU!
I Believe You Can...!
(This can change your life.)
One person said, "I sent about 101 online applications and I've heard nothing in return." Another said, "I've been to more interviews than the holes on shoes." Someone else said "I'm fed-up, I'm tired, the system has changed and, I'm done."
Understandably, you have some decent points! However, that's where millions of people fall-short on a daily basis at "no fault" of their own.
SUCCESS TIPS: #101. This can change your life!
IMMEDIATELY, after you leave your interview, (if at all possible), YOU MUST write down some notes of the events that occurred during and after your interview process. DO NOT try calling your family or friends to give them the report, share your feelings or perhaps..."Well honey, I don't know, it's still up in the air and seems kind of fuzzy, let's wait and see!
YOU MUST get to the nearest outlet, (if possible) sit-down and CAPTURE your THOUGHTS! This is VITAL! Whatever you capture on paper while the EVENTS are still fresh in your mind, becomes your CATALYST for SUCCESS at your next interview.
****Follow Me, Believe and Achieve....
I Believe You Can...!