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Steven Black
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The biggest mistake I made as a #Trainer/Mentor at #BacktoBasicsBasketball/Strength&ConditioningMentoringProgram ...

I wouldn't call it a mistake I would just call everyday you just tried to be better at what your craft is so I try to get better at even my example of teaching what I have learned and try to do a build on that that's why it's called back the basics fundamental strength and conditioning because just like in right we always have to go back to the basic fundamentals so I try not to put mistakes and the vocabulary but I would say we just tried to expand and improve on every angle of life and athleticism as we can to improve upon the Skills of Basketball & Life.

Steven Black
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

My advice to people interested in working at #BacktoBasicsBasketball/Strength&ConditioningMentoringProgram as a #Trainer/Mentor ...

my thing is if we love the game of basketball and you love sports and you watch it and he loves working with you the best thing I can say is you know just bring yourself and and be a blessing to someone and always never underestimate the power that you have inside yourself to encourage another life

Steven Black
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

A #stressful #BacktoBasicsBasketball/Strength&ConditioningMentoringProgram day

what I try to teach as I learn for myself and my life is the best way to get through stress is to be of service to someone so just like him basketball we have to work on our fundamental skills and just like in life we have to work through stressful situations and get to the positive side of everything

Steven Black
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Drama at #BacktoBasicsBasketball/Strength&ConditioningMentoringProgram

fortunately I haven't not experienced that but basically what I would do if I would basically talk it out everything is about being positive

Steven Black
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

The best part about working at #BacktoBasicsBasketball/Strength&ConditioningMentoringProgram was

the best part about working with back to Basics basketball strength and conditioning program is that I get to oversee it because it's something that I created being a former pro basketball player and growing up in the inner city I think it's imperative that we connect with are you some way so basically I'm giving back what was gratefully giving what was gratefully given to me and watching my clients discovered themselves and they become productive human beings and watching them going to college and teaching life skills through the game of basketball has been a total blessing for me the satisfaction I get up of it all is watching them discover themselves and watching them go on to be successful young men and women and that's basically yet thank you very much. And I still currently run that program,
