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I'm honored to create the first post for this group. Entrepreneurs.. Isn't it something we live in a country where anyone can start pretty much any kind of business they want. America, the land of opportunity, a chance to live the American Dream. So what ideas are out there? Please share with us what ventured you have embarked on, what happened? I know I need advice, wisdom and experience.... Let's do some brainstorming.... #entrepreneur #ideas #success #American Dream #Doing it

Back, before Mr. Honda died, American Honda was a family. Pretty much everyone knew everyone. I started when the Auto sales division was formed and was invited back when Acura Division was formed so I had the experience of two great start-ups. The first time I worked at AHM, I left as the highest grade level Caucasian in a Japanese company, so the multi-cultural aspect was great. My mentor is the only person living that was there when Honda came to America as American Honda Motor company. He was a great mentor and gave me the backup to build an American Honda infra-net -- all the features of the internet 15 years earlier. We were so far out front of the curve, the largest (in number of computers sold) computer company (DEC) had to rewrite their operating system to support our system design. IBM tried to accommodate us from three of their divisions and did not have the capability that we needed. I left AHM twice because my family needed to be "home" in Michigan -- so I had the distinction of being hired twice to the company and I believe the only person to have resigned from the company. After Mr. Honda (who I met several years before I hired; was a great person, great innovator, and very successful businessman) died, the "family" drifted apart. The original beliefs were diluted by new-hires from the domestic auto industry and other "big business". I helped make the "10 year plan" for Acura, and it has never reached to potential that we designed. Those early years were very, very exciting and I am really proud of my part of the companies growth. There are few of the folks that started Honda's establishment in America in the early years, and many of us still feel that we are family.

Work elsewhere if you want to be appreciated as a guard. You have options.

My husband 100% he has a brain tumor and a tumor in his spine. He was a awesome teacher and technician. This is why we retired.

I loved working for American Financing. They allowed me to do my job effectively without micromanaging me. They listened to my ideas and suggestions on improving the work flow process.

Now you are a Gator fan!!!!! Lol

Wow, worked in Security at American Sugar Refining for 31 years. Started as a Union Security Guard and finished as a Corporate Security Supervisor. The Best thing I loved was the ability to advance in my profession based on training and experience.

I truly enjoyed working for Tom Wolford, American Honda. It was a toy different industry for me and I learned so much. I interviewed for the permanent position. However, there was someone proficient to a program used that I wasn't.

That was a horrible experience, I applied to bea bar back but front service pulled my application. I asked but never received a set schedule, 5 PM to 11PM one nightand two night later I am working 9pm to 5am. Busses would come in and after I unloaded it , I find out that the full time Bellhops get the money for the bus, so basically I worked for free