Work for a specialty. I worked for a Rheumatologist and went from MA to coordinator. You make a lot more money also.

Expose your self to different departments in the medical field

Cesar, what other skills do you have? Do you have x-ray, or ECG certification? If not, just be dependable, that makes you Valuable. If you have the ambition and means,. I would return to school for your RN. Same days spent at work but 3-4 xs the pay. Skill up on blood drawing and have someone teach you how to start an IV. Emergency rooms would use you in a heart beat without skills for more money . I hope that gives you some ideas. I always wished I had gone on to get my RN. Jude

Work for different specialties learn new things within those practices constantly ask questions ask how you can be better get certifications. I learned Spanish to Better my ma career

If you have been a Medical Assistant for at least 5 years, you can go and teach Medical Assisting at a technical school. You also need to add more Certifications and education.

I agree with everyone on here because thats what I did

Yes I agree with Ms.Christina Sears

Add as many certifications as you can, such as BLS, CMA, RMA, NCMA with continued education.
Add a certification, such as CCT or CPC