I've applied for several jobs that I am very qualified for online but have not received any interview offers. I've read a little bit about how computers often "read" the resumes for specific words before flagging them so that an actual human looks at it. How does this actually work? Where can I find out more information about this so I can polish my resume so I will have better results? #resume #qualifications #resumeparsing

There Not real !/ Be carefull on Job search?😊

There Not real !/ Be carefull on Job search?😊

Hi Kristen - if you haven't already, I'd suggest checking out @Elyssa Duncan 's post about resume keywords - https://www.jobcase.com/articles/32c953db-1f71-421a-88ed-322514a33835. She talks about resume scanning in it!

stop. From. tellings. the public. Bunch of Lies. Oh no. don't have. on. Jobs. to. offers. to. any. One. you all. a. set. of. fakes. bull. shits. In out. the public. no. such. things. their. is. no. Jobs. Bull. Shi ts. gon tries to interrupt my text


I did not put that in twice?

Keep me busy for nothing 😳😳

Who are you refuting to?

Who are you refuting to?
Hi Kristen! It's called the applicant tracking system and you absolutely can update your resume to help it find the right things! This article will tell you JUST what to do : )