I was at job for almost 2 months, and had to quit to get the harassment and bullying to stop. Even after bringing it to my boss’s attention 3 times, he’s also HR because it’s a franchise. I had to endure being called names, cussed at, put down, threatened with physical harm if I went to my boss, I was too old an slow, and other things to graphic to say on here. What I don’t understand is why no attorney wants to help me or even give me advice on what to do. I feel like I was fored to quit because my boss didn’t even try to help me. What would you do if you were in my situation? #harassment, #bullying #advice
Harrassing and workplace bullying is difficult to prove. Therefore, many attorneys will not even touch this. Unfortunately, this is often seen in the workforce regardless of industry. I have seen it, in the medical industry, legal industry, manufacturing industry, mental health industry and education industry.
A lot is said for contracting work. It gives you an opportunity to test out the company's culture. If you do not lie it, you can move on to the next assignment and if you do, you may have found a winner!
Good luck to you in the future.
Be sure to document everything that you experienced. Try to talk to your unemployment office. Also try to see if you can file an EOC or a a BBB (Better Business) complaint against the company.
I'm sorry for how u were treated! I believe you stuck it out longer than most people would have. Remember the things that were said and done to u had nothing to do with you, I learned a long time ago that people who participate in this behavior are ignorant, insecure, lack self-esteem and self-confidence, so they reflect their insecurities on others to keep them from seeing their own shortcomings! Regardless of the reason, management should have done something, there's no justifiable excuse for it!!! I'm adding a link for you to read up on your options, again so sorry.
Having some experience with your situation, David, it’s honestly best to just move on and put it behind you. If there are 10 employees or less, a business isn’t as accountable to the EEOC and proving discrimination can be difficult, even if it’s obvious on its face. That’s why you can’t find an attorney that will take the case. Yes, there are organizations to help with those issues but they’re backed up farther than a red meat eater who’s never ate any roughage. It sucks and it’s aggravating and it makes you want to put a boot in just the right place but it is what it is. Trust me, you’re better off without those people and working in that place. You’ll be much happier. Good luck!
Was your job union? If so, file a complaint with your union rep and tell make sure everything was put on paper-ABOVE ALL GET COPIES OF ALL CHARGES!! Keep records of everything said and done to you-management has a very strange way of losing any paper trail. On job harassment and bullying is illegal-so is discrimination. Are all the lawyers in your town afraid of this company, or are they all being paid off by them? Because their job is to help people in your position. LOL Keep the faith-God will win in the end.
Document everything, time , witnesses , and any proof you have before making allegations. Treat this like a court case . Defendant has rights too and will need to support your claim. Good luck
Attorneys don't want to take on the case because it's a lost cause. You would need to bring them video/audio evidence of the abuse and harassment for it to be worth their while, otherwise the case is just he-said she-said and those cases never go well for the plaintiff.
Move On.... Don't waste a minute fighting a losing battle while you can spent the time finding a new job. You can go back to fight once your working with cash in your pocket.
I am sorry to hear that you had this experience. But I have had a similar experience while working retail about 2-3 years ago. Interestingly, the same manager now works at the store down the street from my house.
No one wants to ever get fired, but in you circumstances you should have let them fire you, at least this way you can file for unemployment while searching for somewhere better to work and file a discrimination case there are agencies out there for this kind of stuff you don’t have to jump to an attorney