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Hunter Breedlove
Bullet point

After my first A; I realized that I could learn the material and provide additional learning/ leadership opportunities to myself and others. I was elected the President of the college's Computer Club (C5). Becoming involved with Student Government and presenting a plan to the department chair; C5 was able to acquire used computer parts. As a club, we were able to assemble desktop computers and us a Linux distro as the OS - Then, sell raffle tickets from the same computers, the club built. Because of the raffle(s), the C5 club grew in membership by 25% and revenue by 600%. Success came from allowing members to become leaders. Inspire creativity and focus with two goals in mind: Increase membership and revenue. Those were my best day(s) at #ClackamasCommunityCollege. #ClackamasCommunityCollegeComputerClub; #Leadership; #C5; #Computers; #Government; #President.

over 6 years ago
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