If you were fired from a job and you are looking for answers, here are the best ways to handle it and get back out there!
If you weren't fired, PLEASE feel free to offer YOUR advice in the comments!
-Wait a day or so Take a day or two to allow yourself the chance to get past those feelings of anger, sadness, and/or rejection. Give yourself a moment to re-group.
-Get coverage Having health coverage is so important. Speak to your former employer about extending your health insurance benefit for up to 18 months under COBRA (the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act). You have 60 days after your coverage lapses to opt-in or start shopping for your own policy on healthcare.gov. Your new employment status allows for you to enroll even if it's not open enrollment time.
-File for unemployment benefits Often times many of us think that only laid-off employees are eligible for these benefits. However, in most states, fired employees can collect too, as long as they weren't fired for intentional misconduct. It can take a while for benefits to kick in, so file right away.
-Re-visit your budget If you’re not sure how long you’ll be unemployed start by reviewing what’s coming in (from unemployment, etc) and how much you have in your savings. Pay special attention to how much you spend every month. Divide your spending into necessary expenses like housing, student loans, car payment, insurance, groceries and unnecessary ones going out for dinner, clothing, travel. Cut back on the unnecessary and spend only when you have to!
-Find work fast While on the job hunt, avoid waiting for money to come in and consider working a gig position for the time being. This will allow you to earn money quickly and control your own schedule allowing you to be flexible. This is particularly helpful when going on interviews! You can make your own hours with companies like [Lyft] (https://www.lyft.com/drive-with-lyft), [TaskRabbit] (https://www.taskrabbit.com/careers), [Instacart] (https://careers.instacart.com/), etc.
-Your next interview When interviewing for your next role don't lie about being fired! Be upfront, positive, and leave those emotions at the door! Also, the less said the better so stick to statements like...“It wasn’t a great cultural fit for me” or “My boss and I continued to have differing opinions.” Whatever the reason keep it as positive as possible and leave it at that. Don’t ever bad mouth your past boss! Read more tips about how to explain getting fired in Matt Bornhorst's post [here] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/a8a4881a-95be-59b1-ba56-06a1baeac048)!
Worried if your boss had the right to fire you? Read more about that [here] (https://www.jobcase.com/conversations/4bd55db7-5ff5-5dd3-9e69-cc8f40182d5b).
Getting back out there is tough, but you can do this!!
-Have you ever gotten fired? -Have questions?
Comment below and I am happy to help

I was threw a job traing program ann had suregery twice while n this program and was let go without a notice and i was told they dont have a reason too let me go and i had paper work.

Hey all, I have been fired recently over a misunderstanding. The main boss at Sheffield Pharmaceuticals here in NL and the main boss at Temps Of New England both yelled at me. They were very unprofessional!!! Anyway, I really need a job asap or I am screwed as I have a son I am paying for. Could anyone please help me? My work has to be in New London county area, because I take public transportation. I believe in my ability to perform any task given to me. Thanks and have a blessed night.

did you have a doctor certify your illness? It seems that if you had given a doctor's note stating you could not work due to illness it would have covered your absence from work and it would have been illegal for them to terminate you.

I broke attendance policy, I used 6 sick days when I was only permitted 5. So I basically got term'd for being sick with an upper respiratory infection

Look for another job and try to sue if you were given a wrongful termination type of firing!

Getting fired will be a problem for you when you apply for another job as most companies now do background checks so this will show up

I had been doing my job for the last 4years and I don't know why or what I did but one of the managment people put a target on my back. Even during my review my boss told me that if I worked anywhere else in whole foods that I would have been a team leader by now. Yes it was my fault that I got fired not going to dani that. When I started working at whole foods and learned about there way of doing things and there beliefs I was all in, but I guess that works well in the stores but didn't see any of it in the distribution center. So I just did my job every day and went home.

That would be fun and awesome work something I would enjoy tremendously since I love to drive

I am now jobless i need a house keeping job can you help me
Ashley thank you for all the good advise very helpful.