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Ashley Wilson
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

City Manager Shawn Sherrouse has implemented a "Ban the Box" process that will remove the questions about prior criminal convictions for job applicants!!

The new process goes into effect today, February 1st.

Ban the Box legislation started in 1998 with Hawaii being the first state to pass a law restricting employers from inquiring about a candidate’s criminal background prior to an offer being extended.

Since then, legislation has been enacted in 33 states and more than 150 municipalities. The state of Florida has not implemented similar legislation but several cities and counties within the state have Ban the Box initiatives including Tampa, Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Sarasota, just to name a few.

The questions about criminal history will be removed from the City’s initial hiring process and potential job candidates that may have a criminal offense in their background will not be judged at the time of submitting their application.

Instead, criminal background checks that are part of the hiring process when a potential candidate is being considered for a position.

Do you think more states and towns would Ban the Box?

#florida #hawaii #secondchances #felon #motivation #yourpastdoesnotdefineyou

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