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Scott Silvers
Bullet point
over 6 months ago
                                I Can Do The Job

The reality many hiring managers face in today’s labor market is finding qualified candidates. Qualified meaning someone who knows how to do the job in an efficient manner without jeopardizing quality.

Being someone with a tainted past can be an advantage if.... we can show we are capable of doing the job. Why? Because there seems to be a shortage of people who are capable of doing the job without a tainted past.

If we take on this mindset, there really isn't too many jobs we can't do. How? We learn how to do the job before we apply for the job. Though we can't list it on our resume as "Work Experience," we can list it on our resume as "Skills." This is the Age of Information and there's nothing we cannot learn how to do.... Nothing.

If you're struggling to secure employment above poverty-level wages the traditional way, this may be something to give you that edge, that fair chance to succeed.

Find the job you want, without regard for experience or knowledge, learn how to do the job right, and apply.

Seem a bit far-fetched? Perhaps, but think of it this way: No one knows how to do any job until they learn it. And, if one person can do something, another person can as well. We are all created equal. Lastly, what do you have to lose?..... #fair #chance #succeed
