How they take care of their state employees. After 10 years you are 50% vested; after 20 years you are 100% vested , which means full pension and health benefits. The benefits are unbeatable and they take care of their own until death, literally.

Well, that’s weekly. It’s high stress forgiveness is necessary.

The abundance of overtime money. What blessing.

Start saving for retirement with first paycheck! If I had, I'd have a LOT Morin my IRA. Not sure how the retirement "tiers" work now, but I started in Tier 2, changed after 14 years to Tier 1. If I had started in Tier 1, I'd be getting around $5,000 a month, instead of $2,700. No matter what you do, "work" towards your retirement goals.

Start saving for retirement with first paycheck! If I had, I'd have a LOT Morin my IRA. Not sure how the retirement "tiers" work now, but I started in Tier 2, changed after 14 years to Tier 1. If I had started in Tier 1, I'd be getting around $5,000 a month, instead of $2,700. No matter what you do, "work" towards your retirement goals.