I felt proud to work for #S.P.C.A. of the Kenai Peninsula, Inc. CEO/PRES/FDR when... it was formulated and we were actually helping. It was very satisfying
I loved helping animals and people. It was very rewarding and even with all the politics, paperwork I truly loved helpingwhere I could
Silos for the flower and other dry ingredients. Had to load everything manually. Operated two glycol wrapped cnc mixers and dropped 800 #s of dough Every ten minutes. It was a good experience but still wish there had been silos!!!
Great people to work with except management
Well you get a crew like the one we all had assemble, it was like putting together Batman, Superman, Hulk, joker, and Fat Bastard.. Out of my 5 different abatement teams I've worked on this one has definitely on my top 5. Of all time..
To be talked to like somebody
I miss slot of people I worked with.
Hello, growing up a young I went to probably about 10 games a year,with my big fat wooden pencil,and a scorecard,with my ( original Wool Giant cap . My Mom started working there 1962,(The Giants first Pennant) as San Francisco.In 1994,my Mom inquired (put in a good word ) for me,I got hired.Thinking I get to watch Baseball,andt get paid for it.At the time that was my 2nd job, eventually becoming ,my only main and eventually my only job .When I retired as a Teamster. so over the years as the price of season tickets, becoming a cost of Thousands of dollars,I got paid to watch . Eventually working my way to a set section.I got to know and love my fans.It became and is a great Organization to be part of
I enjoyed meeting new people and providing them the highest quality service at the best prices, the different challenges that were presented and met and allowing me the flexibility of time management to accomplish my tasks. 5 star rating
I did not feel proud i new what to do ther but with my health now i cant lifet thing that ar heavy no more