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Ty Adams

over 6 months ago
You're invited to INTERVIEW RIGHT NOW with TJX! We're looking for Exempt Operational Leaders for our Philadelphia and Pittston, PA Distribution Centers! No matter where you are in your Management Career, we'd like to speak with you!
It’s not too late to join us today….just click on this link and RSVP. We’ll be interviewing until 2PM.
RSVP here... https://lnkd.in/dQ8sRPUk
Please tell a friend as well.
If you are not able to attend today, but would like to speak with a Recruiter, please email your resume to Ty_Adams@TJX.com
#tjx #discoverdifferent #lifeattjx #hiringevent #recentgraduates #inclusionanddiversity #philadelphiajobs #pittstonjobs #Operationalleaders