Your guide to paid time off (PTO)
I feel like at times, I can't even take PTO because it adds more stress after I get back....anyone else?
Soo I have been employed by the same company since October of 2018... I never missed a day of work or was late. I ALWAYS went above and beyond. I told the gm I needed time of in June (this was November) she ended up quitting/getting fired not sure which, anyway I remind the owner about a month ago at our weekly meetings that I needed the time off he helped me to have someone fill as far as I knew everything was fine. I talked to him on Tuesday asking if I could spread my acquired sick time over the next few weeks I had time off so I atleast had something coming in he said sure when are u returning to work? I said be there Thursday the 4th but unfortunately in court they changed some days I already had off and covered, I sent him the new days... he said I’ll meet you Thursday when u come in. I get there the woman I originally notified in November of the time I Needed off was there and told me she was taking over the store and when I asked why? The owner said I did nothing wrong... no hard feelings, I was told I’m just looking for something different.... is this legal? Do I loose sick time that takes me 40 hrs to make 1 sick time hr?? Really?? Any recourse besides just collecting?
Has anyone else use the PTO System for measuring time off, If so Could you tell me if you like or dislike it and why?? This information would be very helpful to me. Thank You.
I have a question regarding PTO time. Companies that I have worked for in the past will pay out the accrued PTO time to an employee when thy leave the firm. The company that I "worked" for, up until 2 weeks ago is not paying the accrued PTO time to any of the individuals being laid off. I lost 4 weeks of PTO time I had accrued in addition they gave no severance packages. I want to find out if anyone else has encountered a company not paying out PTO time. I thought PTO time was time earned by an employee and in a separate "pot" that the employer pays into. Is it even legal for a company to do that? Thank you for any input, I appreciate it. Giving a hard working employee a 1 day notice they are laid off, with no severance pay and then not giving them their PTO time places one in a financial bind.