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Edwin Clerval
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

G00D things are happening. Had a positive interview session with a warehousing company and its really looking like they will be taking me into consideration for full time work. I've been working receiving for the past seven years and left my position to pursue a better situation. If things go the way I want I should be welcomed aboard in the next couple of days. While registering for Jobcase I had submitted my resume to this business and I immediately was contacted by the manager there. I really believe that they are correlated in that if I hadn't done this while building my profile I might have missed this chance, so...TY Jobcase. Its a funny story because I got an email about joining and I said lemme take time to do this to give myself a better shot at attracting management or to market myself somewhat, then almost automatically I get contacted by a business in my area. There still some criteria which have to be determined but I really think that I can start with this company. The interview couldn't have gone any better. I am a graduate and have over ten years in the working field. #Laboring has been my mode of income for five plus years and I also have been instrumental in filing and records of the work I've been dealing with so I'm all g00d I would have to say.
