I was able to meet and help many people and it was fun helping them try on the costumes and watching the little kids get excited over there costumes. I love customer service and meeting new people every day and Halloween it’s a fun time of year. There was always something to do because people are always miss placing things in a different spot and I like to keep busy when I’m working

Today is not only the last day of #Inktober but it’s also #Halloween as well. I decided to do an extra drawing that’s not based on the official Inktober prompt list but, instead, it would be something I came up especially for Halloween. So I drew a #raven saying #Nevermore. (Yes, I based it on the classic #poem by #EdgarAllanPoe.) This drawing marks the official end of my participation in #Inktober2018.

Hi All,
I wanted to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all. It’s my favorite month and time of the year for everything horror and Halloween related.
If you don’t celebrate Halloween, take some time for yourself. Step away from life’s everyday list of compiling stresses. I encourage anyone to do at least one thing for yourself, not because someone told you and don’t focus on the expense of doing something for yourself. It can be anything big or small. Tackle something you’ve been putting off for a while, finish something you started but never completed, go on a walk, a hike, take a small vacation or spend some time with yourself — the point is to give yourself some time for you, for your mentality, for your soul.
Life and reality will still be there. It’s a part of adulthood, and sometimes it’s unfair but for that moment it doesn’t have to be.
(10.30.18: This photo was taken at work).

Be a kid again! Have a Happy Safe Halloween