When I lived in Vermont. Our team took care of the tracks, switches and crossings between Rutland and Brattleboro Vermont.
Is a good company
My job at Green Valley Transport was great, they were family. Because of needing a security clearance I had a wonderful job and made great money workiƱg for them. I can truly say I loved my job and the people I worked for.., it is a great company to work for.
I would answer that by telling you that one of our products was lighting, outdoors as will as indoors. Many parking lots are under lite, and we were able to offer solutions to it with new tech knowledge. I loved working for the company and all the support I got. We are out of business and I have moved on to higher grounds with knowledge I learned while being employed by Green Force Solutions
You weren't a number with them , you were family. They treated us well.
I was able to help the public with landscaping. I helped with set schedules do billing and enjoyed the experience of learning the business.
It way under pays and the owner only cares about himself and his family....
What I would have liked at Green force Soluation was a product that met the requirement of the client.The company soon disbanded and went to another product. I had the best cooperation from all involved CEO other sale persons but the company we were representing didn't perform for us. no blame, just product problem.
It's was good in beginning an then they took back holiday pay a month after holidays.. they wanted to make me travel to different st
I love the company culture and the people I work with and for every day. #aboutmyjob