Be the next to follow.

So I am in Some legal drama right now and I filled out a Job application finding myself having to lie and to tell them what they want to hear I know they are doing back ground checks and it reveals my checkard past I am taking all the steps nessary I dont think I can do any driving jobs cause I have a DUI on my record and right now they have some pretty sketchy charges aggainst me like Petit theft and battery but the Petit theft charge in one case was a misunderstanding I stole 3 dollars from the tip jar at Black dog cafe and they charged me in that case I gave back the money I stole And they assumed the two 5s and the 1 dollar bill was also stolen I had to spend 3 weeks in Jail and I feel like I am wasting my time filling out applications having to lie on some questions cause I feel like if I am Honest they would not give me a chance I deserve I am in recovery and willing to take that road seriously And I cant work for the circle K cause I am banned from two of them in town and I keep getting sent stuff that dont hire for me in my situtation I am willing to wait till this all blows over but I need work now to pay for all this legal drama and I am tired of jobs that ask stupid questions and when I am Honest they judge me and reject me and I am tired of being passed over and Not even getting a freakin interview and they say I dont have the qualifictions and I say its Bull crap the only job that did Hire me was Avon and that lost money and Burger king the hiring manager was nice but the main supervisor over him was mean and unprofessional she complained about my preformance to a person seeking employment there so I dont know what to do I want to make an honest liviing but it seems like I have no choice but to deal drugs or something but I just wanna know are there any options for me or should I just give up all together just feeling discourgaeged and at the end of my rope

What do you all think about the Ban the Box initiative. This is the bipartisan legislation that Corey Booker and Rob Portman, among others, are sponsoring which would stop employers from asking about criminal history on applications. Heres' 2 links if you are interested.
#banthebox #secondchances #incarceration #criminalhistory #felon #employmentlaw