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Cynthia Okonkwo
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

What do you think about face tattoos and do you think that they are a turnoff to potential employers? That was a question that my favorite radio gospel morning show, Get Up Mornings with Erica Campbell, posed to listeners earlier this week. The show, hosted by Erica Campbell of the famed gospel duo, Mary Mary, often asks thought-provoking questions of its listeners to see where people’s hearts and minds are. So, during the “Get Up Poll” segment of the show, listeners were asked, “What do you think about face tattoos?” As you can imagine, the responses rolled in and many people expressed very strong feelings about the topic. Naturally, the conversation quickly started to focus on the impact of facial tattoos on a person’s ability to get a job. So, as I listened to the various responses, I decided that it would be a great topic to delve into this week since my blog is committed to helping job seekers present their best selves during the job search process. Let's take a look at six perspectives on face tattoos and their potential impact on your career success. Check out my full post at https://nnamtique.com/2237-2/.

#Career #jobsearch #FaceTattoos #Findajob #CareerSuccess

Image credit Bing Online Pictures. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

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Lenin Pina
Community SpecialistBullet point
Community Specialist
over 6 months ago

United Healthcare Group has the most informative and comprehensive career websites I’ve seen to date. Here are the top 3 instructions you need to follow in order to experience more successful hiring experience:

1 - Search, go to the UnitedHealth Group career page and use the job search features to find the list of current job opportunities available in your area. (Note, If you don’t find the job(s) you’re looking for then set up a job alert in order to be one of the first applicants notified when a job opportunity opens.

2 - Apply, this step is Essential! Carefully review all the job details and qualification requirements to make sure the job meets your previous career experience, skills and career goals, then APPLY!

3 - Follow-Up, use the Username and Password you created to begin your application to log into your personal application portal where you can check the status of your application and correspond with the UHG recruiters managing your hiring process.

That’s it! It’s really that simple!!

Got questions? Reach back out to me with your specific concern(s) and I’ll be more than happy to help. Thanks & Good Luck! Click Here to Start your UHG Application Process

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Geraldine Patten
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I loved Ohio Means Jobs. I gained computer skills, Learned Data entry, Imaging, Scanning and a number of other skills. Regained my self confidence and made some very good friends. HOWEVER, Mature Services did NOTHING to help me gain full or part time employment! WE need job fairs for those over 55. WE needed someone in marketing to help market us! I am very upset with Mature Services! I would have been better off to have worked at McDonald's! I would not recommend this to anyone!

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