I love working here all the people are so nice.

I was done very wrong I had no idea I was hired on as a seasonal hire an on Jan 5th I had a 9am to 5pm shift plus being the only cashier that day an hour before my shift ended I was told today is my last day an would u want to stay your last hour now as for my manager Jenn an Joe there are amazing people I loved working with them I learned alot as well not only did I not know I was seasonal higher but also worked my blood sweat and tears for Christmas week and got told seasonal higher dose not get the bonus so I was ****** over big time I feel USED ! ! ! ! Personal I would like to know if there's something I can do about this or someone I can talk to ......

It's a great job I've worked there before and love it so much and miss working there they'll love you trust me.

Burlington says they are a caring company. Right now all the CEO cares about is his shareholders. The company culture is wonderful in written word, but reflected differently on the day to day basis. No payroll for needed cashiers. I was told that I was in a "Cinderella" position at Disneyland making people happy to stand in line for 20 minutes to check out. The leader telling us this was the Regional Manager. This is how far removed from the day to day reality of running a business corporate is. Double workloads, no payroll for keeping the store in order, low wages, constantly shifting schedules, it is extremely hard to keep any morale. There is room for growth and it is a great place to gain experience in leadership under extremely difficult conditions. i don't know any store manager at this time who is not discouraged and the associates are leaving in numbers.

Don't be afraid to apply. This is a fun environment for everyone.

Nothing. It never happened.
The culture is horrible. They dont care about their receiving team. They say that there is room for advancement but that's a lie. I worked for them for four years and although I was qualified for a supervisor position I was passed not given the position because of management.