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John Grant
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

When I became disabled and unemployed, I had a lot of time on my hands. So of course, I published a book! They journey toward becoming a published author began many years ago when I started to make up and tell bedtime stories to my children. So it seems only appropriate that my first published book is about storytelling. Not everyone is comfortable in their own creativity to make up a complete story on the spot, but it’s an easy skill to acquire, and one that will be hugely popular with the young children in your life. As someone who is a very important person, in my life, I would like to personally invite you to purchase my book (Once Upon A Time) which is currently only available through Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Once-Upon-Time-bedtime-storytelling/dp/1973533189/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) I would also like to ask a favor of you. Changing the world is a big job, especially for a guy with one fully functional hand. Please post an announcement about my book launch on your social media accounts and forward this message to your friends and family. If this book launch a huge success, I can attract the attention of a big-time publisher and my writing career will finally take off. Ebook format$4.99 (ASIN: B0787CMGNN)
Paperback format $14.99 (ASIN: 1973533189) Thank you, so much, for your generous support.

Ronni Williams
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I have always had a passion for writing. I took English Literature, and Creative writing. I used to write speeches for speech class and debate class. I would love to do some free Lance writing for any kind of a company. I also took Foods class all through out high school and we had to create a new product and write a commercial for the new product line. #blogging #Bookwriting #Creative #free #lancing
