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Xenia Martinez
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hello Everybody: I have been unemployed for about 7 months now. I left my previous job because it was a very toxic environment lacked of respect. I have been in so many interviews and everytime hey asked why I left I always said I'm looking for a professional environment. I don't know I'm awsering wrong. I change my tactic and I'm saying something else. My last interview I was asked if I have kids I said no. And I was asked if I'm planing to have kids in the future. I was very honest I said yes. Could someone tell me why employees ask this type a question it sounds wrong. Unfortunately I wasn't offered the job.

Katie Arbuckle
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I don't think many people have had this experience yet. So this place I recently applied to. Now we got to the interview but once she found out I was her neighbor she kicked my out without even giving me a chance at the interview. Now there is more to this but it includes some complications with my mother so I assume it was due to bias and miscommunication between this employer and another individual when it comes to my family.

Now she assumes we steal, we don't we pay our way and if we are given the okay on a gift or clothing as payment we take it, but that is where the miscommunication is. She never met the original owner of the house that gave us the okay, she heard a lie by the Ladies Son and decided to believe it.

This being said that even though she will mark me as untrustworthy in her eyes, I had to wait for her because she was an hour late to our meeting she had customers becoming very disappointed in her hours due to this.

So I plan to boycott her business. And I learned from this, it taught me that it is really important to research the company and your employer before applying.

Because even the place is the perfect fit, there will be those people even if they are like-minded that are always to good to be true. Even a Candy Store called Candy Babel can end up sour.

She is also new in a town, that I lived in for 27 years since I was born.

So I will let you be the judge.

#bias #miscommunication #rumors #nochances #rudeemployer #smalltown

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Kimberlea Floyd
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

So i have been with hardees/carls jr for a year now i am a manager there. We had a new gm and dm come into the store about a month ago.i am 6 1/2 months pregnant. I bust my ass for this store i dont call out i show up on time and i stay over just to help out. First they stripped me of my managers shirt for no reason at all. Now they cut me from 40 plus hours a week to 25 hours a week. With no reason at all. What can i do about this i have two children one on the way and bills that got to be paid and how with 25 hours a week?

C. Lee Guerette
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I get hundreds of calls from people with thick Asian accents who claim to be Frank, or Bob, or Judy. Now the thing is I KNOW this call is from across the ocean and the chances of that person being a "Bob" are slim. So the sales pitch begins with a "lie" . Next I've gotten scammed a least twice by one person ( with this accent) who was sending me phoney screens and another who was going to repay me for a service because the company was "going out of business" . The sad part is that now whenever I hear that accent, I automatically don't trust them. That means an entire country who's religion I practice and believe is creating a bad reputation for itself.

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Victoria Sellers
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

I believe if a company/employer is going to be fair to all its employees, there is no room for compromise and/or modifying policies to accommodate certain personnel and penalize others for pointing out any discrepancies. No employee should be fired for questioning written policies that aren't been consistently enforced. Perhaps, the HR Department didn't expect anyone to be intelligent enough to read the P&P and point out a double standard in the workplace. I trust the young man fired will file an EECOC claim against the former employer for what's obviously discrimination. No telling how long this company has been operating in this way.

James Neville
Bullet point
over 6 months ago

Hello All, I have been laid off since April 2017. I was searching for career opportunities two years before my lay off. The company that I worked for at the time announce that our jobs were going to another country and only part of the staff will remain. Oh, my bad they also stated that, they are hiring new employees also while they are laying off the current staff. I have interviewed with ALL the major companies in my field and NO ONE has hired me yet!!!! No one gives a real reason why they have not select you for the position or what is needed to improve. I always get the feeling when the interviewer sees me that they have already made their mind that they are not going to hire me for this position. I am hoping that it is not because I am of a different race but no I interviewed with looks like me. I am searching for a change of careers as of now. Just venting, has anyone experience this before?

Fred Goff
CEO and Founder of JobcaseBullet point
CEO and Founder of Jobcase
over 6 months ago

Did you see that Yahoo! just sold to Verizon? This is big news in the tech world. Yahoo was one of the originals, at one time their internet business alone was valued over $100billion - it sold for 4+ this week (fyi: for those checking, the stock ticker Yahoo reflects more the value of their ownership stake in ali-baba than the internet property itself). The latest CEO has been Marissa Mayer. She has her fans and she has her detractors. But throughout her tenure there has always been an echo of any reporting that covers her as a woman-CEO, as a special interest story next to the standard CEO articles. I know a lot of gender bias still exists in the workplace. I know most of it creates headwinds and political potholes and awkwardness than many women navigate each day. Here is an article in which Marissa is cited for the first time really addressing it. I am wondering what our female Jobcaser's views are about Marissa, about women CEO's vs. men, and about gender bias in workplace in general.. whadayathink?
#gender #bias #whadayathink
